It has been a while since our last post. We got our first scan 1 week ago and a single sac was seen. Then this morning an email of our second scan with a heartbeat. Hooray. Neha sent an email at 3.30 am Melbourne time and I woke up at 3.45am for no reason. I always get nervous with Sci emails and I strangely hold the I pad / iPhone away from view and slowly sneak a peak at the screen. I don't know why and yes it sound silly but I do it without realizing. This mornings email was easy as one of the first words that showed in the preview was "congratulations" see below.
Dear Chris,
We hope you are doing fine !!
Many Congratulations !!
We would like to inform you that as per our schedule we have done USG scan for your surrogate mother.
We are extremely happy to let you know that we have noted single heartbeat during her USG scan with Dr. Jolly.
Please find attached reports for the scan.
Kindly note that Dr. Shivani has reviewed the reports and noted this within satisfactory limit.
We are pleased to let you know that it is confirmed now that she is carrying singleton pregnancy.
We are now moving further.
In regards to the same her next scan will be done within two weeks.
We will keep you updated with further progress and new status.
With Regards,
SCI Healthcare
This is the best email we have ever received.
Too excited and happy for words at the moment
Thanks for following our journey
Xxxxxx Chris and Tim