Friday, 18 January 2013

It's been a busy 2 months

Well it has been almost 2 months since our last post, so I feel it's time for an update.

December came and went so very fast I don't even think I had time to breath. For me with my company it is the busiest month of the year and December 2012 certainly did not disappoint. We increased sales for the month compared to last year which was an amazing achievement for my team. As usual we worked All through the Xmas period only stopping to have the New Year's Eve off. All the family came to our home on Xmas day (kids house of choice as we have the pool). And a small gathering of friends and family on New Year's Eve made a very nice relaxed way to celebrate 2012 and welcome 2013. Tim took the opportunity on Xmas day to let his 3 brother know about our exciting news. As expected they had no idea, however his sister in law claims to have picked it as soon as we told her we were off to India. Hahahahaha. Although it is only our close family, 3 or so close friends and blog land that knows, the response and support has been amazing. I think everyone that knows about the pregnancy also knows our exact schedule of when we receive reports and scans from SCI, and they wait impatiently with us as each one falls due, which is nice, It is such a great feeling that our family really support this and are as excited as we are.

Tim's company (although still in its infant stage) is making good progress. Let me tell you running 2 business is a real challenge. I have set Tim the challenge to arrange both business structure to allow for the fact that one of us will no longer be full time involved (me). So what do we do, we increase our workload and decide that to stabilize both business' we need to separate them????????? So as of feb we will have the challenge of fitting out our new offices for his company 20 minutes from where my business is located and 30 minutes from home. We are both sure that this is the correct way to move forward, no matter how illogical it may seem. In all fairness both business are growing and Tim's business was squashed into my office. (A bit like trying to fit an elephant in a bath tub)

Anyhow we are officially at 13 weeks and 2 days as of the 16 Jan 2013.... Excitement is not the word to describe how we feel. Even better is the news that the our dear friends from Sydney mr and mrs Greek-Aussie that we met in Delhi are at the same stage with their pregnancy. I can't think of a more deserving couple and can't wait to share the experience extending our family at the same time as them.

Well that is all for now. Thanks for following our journey, and for all those who share theirs.


Chris and Tim