Friday, 14 September 2012

1 week down, 1 week to go

Well today is the half way point of the 2ww. Over the past few months reading others blogs and forum posts about the 2ww, I never really though about how we would feel or how we would deal with the wait. Generally we are both very patient people, we don't procrastinate, rarely have regrets, almost never look back on the past and wish things were don differently and this is really no exception. This last week has been easy easy, those that know of our journey (that haven't been through it) ask "are you excited? Nervous? Happy?" and our response is well yes but we have tried to not "count the chickens before they hatch" so to speak. But I think at this point for me I am now really starting to get excited, for those that have been through the same thing, this is a feeling inside that I have never felt before. But for us and our typical male coping mechanisms "positivity and reality" needs to keep us grounded.

We started the search / investigation on options to grow our lives into a family about 3 years ago. But for the most part never Imagined surrogacy within our reach and therefore never looked into it. It was only June 2012 when we (moreso Tim) made the decision that surrogacy is what we think is the right thing, ha ha easy for Tim to make that choice, I manage all our finances and juggle the dollars and cents) in saying that I think once we both made the choice for surrogacy my considerations for how we would afford it went out the window. For the first time in 7.5 years we both felt the same and really wanted this more than anything, (it really showed me the love we have between us and also the love we have to give) is past 3 months we have started setting aside money and using the credit cards for flights accom etc, and I don't care. You can't take money with you when in the end it is about making the most of the life and opportunities that are presented to you.

So we have only told our parents, my sister and about 4 close friends of our exciting journey. A friend asked me when am I going to tell everyone else, well the one advantage we have over traditional processes is that when we are lucky enough to be pregnant neither one of us will show. Haha (well Tim likes fast food too much and spends a lot of time on the road so he may well imitate a pregnancy) ha ha ha. Back to the question of when to tell everyone else? Well my answer was that I'm not!! Going to make a public announcement. People close to us we will tell but for the vast majority or acquaintances there is no need to tell them. I don't and have never introduced myself to people as "hi I'm Chris, and I am gay" infact I can maybe count on 1 hand the number of times I have actually had to say those words to someone. Usually it is if a female friend has shown interest without catching on to the truth (easily done as we present as 2 everyday blokes, most people including the recent Singapore airline cabin crew, thought we were brothers. We get the brothers thing all the time. And on 1 completely crazy occasion, I was asked if Tim was my son...... Shit no, I would have had to have been a 7 yo at the time of his birth, the. I was thinking how bloody old do I look at 32?? Ha ha)
Anyhow back to the question "no" we are not going to tell people of our journey. We run 2 business' and employ nearly 20 people in one location (our main office) and a close friend asked "are you just going to come In to the office with a baby(s) when the time comes????" well yes just like any other acquaintance or stranger we will be like any other family. In saying that we would not lie if the question was asked, but I think for the vast majority we don't need to "go public" with our dreams.

We were intially concerned about the response we would get from our parents and family when we told them. And we were very surprised how excited they were for us. Infact the support doesn't and didn't stop there. Mum and dad and my sister as well as Tim's mum, constantly want to know what's next? When do we hear anything? It really is great to feel that support around us. Anyone reading this, who is concerned about the reaction people will have all I will say is that those that love us care about us and support us 100%. At the end of the day life is about happiness.

Thanks for following our journey.


Chris and Tim