Saturday, 22 September 2012

Weak Positive

Well the 2ww ended yesterday. What a very strange 2 weeks it was, I don't know if it was trying to return to routine after being over in India? If it was the flights? If it was the anticipation or excitement about this next chapter in our lives. We certainly had without a doubt one of the greatest experiences in India, it is something that we will remember for ever. I think that was the people that we met that really made it so great for us. We wish that the feeling we felt in India sharing a new journey with our new friends would never end. Thank you to all those that we met there.

Anyhow our weak positive. We received an email from Sci right on schedule last night. I was driving along the freeway having just left work (where i was sitting mindlessly in front of my computer) waiting for this email, I heard the chime indicating an email received knowing full well that I don't receive emails at night as the normal, it would be it. So I grabbed my phone and opened the email to see that it was from Sci.......... Then I couldn't look at it until I stopped the car which I did on the side if the road,

Dear Chris,
We hope you are doing fine.
We would like to inform you that as per our schedule we have done pregnancy test for "R"
Please find the attached report for the same.
We would like to inform you that Rajni's beta HCG value is 9.82 which is weak positive.
In view of the same, we will repeat her beta HCG test within 48 hours.
As soon as we receive the report, we will let you know immediately.

We wish you all the best for her repeated pregnancy test.

Ok so I love the word positivity and all derivatives of such. So I'm happy/confused buy the 9.82 number???? Still reminding myself that the word positive is still there. Yay indeed.

I had literally just finished blog stalking and has read of another IP's experience with the 2ww or as it could be called the 4ww?? Ok positive is that they had a weak positive to start ans now seem well into a healthy pregnancy. Yay. Oh BUT (imagine me on side of busy freeway trying to search and read blogs and google from tiny iPhone with poor Internet connectivity) ah hahahahahaha back to the BUTT their weak positive was a much higher number. In the 40.0 if I'm correct. So I'm thinking to myself if 40 is a weak positive, then maybe 9 isn't so great. (If anyone reading had experienced this please give me some feedback)

Anyhow weak positive strong positive weak coffee strong coffee, positive is positive and we will be positive and thankful to the Sci team and our surrogate, as this experience has really been an experience of happiness for us both everything will remain crossed for the next test in a couple of days.

We were so very lucky and met some really great guys yesterday here in Melbourne. Initially before starting this process  I was concerned what people might think about what we are doing because of our seemingly young age (well that is one of the few negative remarks we received on our journey to becoming dads and wanting to grow into a family) we are 25 and 32. But this fantastic couple are exactly 6 years our junior at 26 and 19. Sounds young???? Well it is!! But meeting these 2 you would never pick their age. Both very mature and really great friendly guys. It is the first time in a long time I can really look at someone and have respect for them and what they are striving to achieve at their age. I only wish I had the confidence and maturity they have when I was their age. 

Our new Canadian friend was due to receive his results same time as us. Unfortunately his was a bfn. On the positive side he has more attempts with FET. I know he will be successful (just hurry up with that FET we have those rooms booked for mid next year...... Hahahahaha.)

We also met 2 Aussie couples starting the process while in Delhi. They have all become our little network of support. There is the awesome shopper and her wonderful "fizzy bubbly" hubby. Beautiful people without a doubt, and then there is the "I D" boys from a country land with limited Internet access. These boys are a true inspiration of strength and determination. Positivity and perseverance are words that I think they have secretly tattooed on them somewhere. You know we promised these fantastic group of people we would keep them up to date with our progress and the support in return is truly amazing. The I D boys had called me within minutes of receiving my Email of the weak positive and asking for their expertise and feedback, and for that I'm very thankful. And thank you to both our Aussie and Canadian friends for your help to understand this journey. 

Well it is Sunday morning here in Melbourne (four seasons in one day) I need to get up and mow the lawns before it turns from the spring sun into the winter rain if the day.

Thanks for reading and thank you to all whose blogs I continually stalk. 


Chris and Tim 


  1. Mother Nature works in mysterious ways. Good luck on the second test--fingers crossed for you guys!

  2. Hey Ben

    Thank you for the reply. We have everything crossed for a great result.. Mother Nature is a weird and wonderful thing. Everything happens for a reason we truly believe that. So what is meant to be will be.

  3. Mother Nature brought me rain this morning!!!! So the lawns will continue to grow longer for another week.

  4. Guys look at it this way its a positive, mine was a little weak too, but I have a strong singleton and its doing wonderful. i am in week 23 and doing well. So like you said its positive, just hink positive and you will be golden I beleive. A big congrats, i am happy for you two.

    1. Thank you Michael, we are very positive people, and truly believe everything happens for a reason

      Very happy happy for you and congratulations on 23 weeks.

      Chris and Tim

  5. Hi Guys, looking forward to your positive news in 24 hours, fingers crossed.

  6. Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys! Thinking positive thoughts for you!!!
